Path of the Necromancer.

“To reanimate that which no longer lives is an imperfect art. One must strive to perfect that which cannot be perfected. The winds of Shyish blew a name my way. 
An opportunity not to be missed. He awaits my dulcet touch. My corpse-kin awaits my embrace. I follow his name to empty lands.”
” ‘Pon blasted heath I seek my quarry. Ancient Sarcophagi of esoteric origin presents itself as a likely candidate.”
“Alas, it houses nought but spite filled spirit and worm midden. Onward I must travel, deeper into this bleached landscape, forever seeking my Corpse-kin.”
 “Shyish mocks me now. I meander from tomb to tomb, seeking my corpse-kin like Mastodon travelling betwixt watering holes.  This land is filled with the dead. Will this tomb be any different from the last?”
 “Grey basalt and scribed with antediluvian text, it reeks of death. The winds blow quicker now. Could this be that which I have been seeking? Weather beaten and cracked, I fear for thine remains within, corpse-kin. The sun dims.”
“Entombed and abandoned, the remains of thine blessed bones have lay untouched for time immemorial. Mine loving caress shall bring such cadaverous remains back to former glory. This, I swear.” 

Necrons, but with flavour!

Flayed spoopy

“Men are made from blood and bone like metal made from dust

Men are bound to die alone like metals bound to rust” – Will Varley

I. Kill Team conundrums.

Like many others, the siren song of Kill Team drew me back into the hobby. I have always loved Warhammer, but the introduction of a brand new format to play it in, has reinvigorated my interest. Kill Team suits me to a tee as I am unable to concentrate of hobbies for large periods of time and painting up a dozen men if much more attainable for me than painting a legion. As I mentioned in my last post, I decided to play Necrons before I got an opportunity to see the rules. Luckily for me, Necrons are simple to play; there’s little customisation (I won’t be bogged down in trying to make the ‘right’ loadouts for my miniatures), they don’t require the tactical genius of Ursarkar Creed (sorry)  and they’re dead durable. In my first game, my leader refused to stay dead on multiple occasions in the match; Reanimation Protocols make them dead jammy.

The one problem with Necrons for me, is they aren’t the most… inspiring of races. I’m not sure what it is exactly about them, but there is a certain disconnect there for me. It’s not that, as someone I played again suggested, that they are characterless, because that doesn’t bother me at all (I’ve played Tyranids and Vampire Counts in previous years, both of which are generally not renowned for their individuality). I think it may be their retconned lore. I loved the idea that the Necrons are this utterly implaceable ancient menace who cant be reasoned with, and want nothing else than to destroy those meddlesome interlopers who have set up shop on their planets. This got changed, and suddenly the Necrons are rather occupied with taking over, enslaving, and creating a dynasty that will last for millenia. Certainly, they are much more characterful now, but a little less…alien, I suppose. Maybe I just preferred the notion of ‘not knowing’ their motives.

I needed to find a way to make Necrons feel sinister again. And I needed to find a way to make Necrons individual enough to satisfy my creative itch when making them. Luckily for me, inspiration hit.

Flayed gruoup.jpg

II. Flaying seems quite nasty.

In 3rd edition, the Flayed Ones were created when Necrons went mad. In specific cases, when the Necrons bedded down for a several million year nap, some were unfortunate enough to not actually sleep. Suspended in animation, but completely aware for the entire time, these poor souls went completely insane, and somewhere along the way, developed a penchant for making suits out of skin. Additional tidbits include that perhaps they are trying to regain their fleshy forms they once had, before they became metal skeletons. I loved this lore. It was equally tragic, and creepy. When Necrons were revamped, they changed their background a bit. The  Flayed Ones were now victims of a C’tan curse, that instilled within them a desire to flay, and consume the flesh of living creatures. Other than that, Necron ‘lore’ on Flayed Ones seems quite sparse. This is a blessing in disguise, as it allows me to take some ‘creative licenses’ with the lore, and develop my own headcanon on why my Necrons are the way they are.

I decided the theme of my Necron Kill Team would be victims of the Flayer curse. These Necrons come from a Dynasty that suffered severe misfortune. By the time the Necrons began to descend into their crypts to slumber for millenia, the Flayer Curse was already well known by the Necrontyr. Imagine the horror that would have occurred within a Tomb World that realised that one of the Necrons about to go to sleep was in fact carrying this terrible virus. This is the backdrop for my Necrons; as the Tomb world was going into stasis, a ‘flayed outbreak’ was identified. Too late to do anything about it, the entire dynasty went into stasis, not knowing if the Necron to their side was sound of mind, or if they were lost to insanity. Fast forward several millennia, and the Tomb World’s automatic reanimation protocols begin to wake the legions up, but by now, every warrior has been exposed to the virus that slowly spread throughout the catacombs during their eternal rest.

I envision that my Kill Team are either the last survivors of this Tomb World, or are the first to make it to the surface, and are all at different stages on insanity.  Contracting the curse does not instantly transform a warrior into a Flayed One afterall. It may take years before the curse fully erodes the mind and deforms the body, and there could be a hundred different shades of grey from a sound of mind Immortal, to a fully fledged Edward Scissorhands.


III. Warriors, come out to play!

Flayed backstreet boys.jpg

Necron Warriors have no minds at all to begin with, as part of the transference of their minds into the necrodermis left them with no individuality. They simply became emotionless puppets for their betters to command. This is a double edged sword however, as their lack of independent will makes them unable to to resist the Flayer curse, and once infected, they quickly transform from regimented warriors to insane and debauched murderers. Often the most disgusting examples of body mutilation can be seen carried out by these Necrons, who give their minds over completely to the Flayer Virus.  Flayed old man Jack

Necron warriors will often take further steps than simply flaying their victims. They will carry off mutilated bodies for later; though for what purpose, is currently unknown. It matters not to their masters; as long as they are sane enough to point their weapons still, the self mutilation of their Necrodermis, and the taking of ‘prisoners’ matters not.

Flayed brains

In insanity, Necrons Warriors tend to display more individuality than they ever were capable of in sanity. The grisly trophies taken are unique from warrior to warrior, though this one seems to have taken an almost scientific curiosity with the human mind.

Flayed backboob

Others simply pile themselves high with mutilated flesh in the hopes it will return to them the flesh and blood bodies they once lost.

Flayed backboob moody

The orientation of the reclaimed flesh does not matter to the Necrons however. The chest of an unfortunate victim, along with their lower mandible, is flung across this Necrons back. Whether it understands that it is essentially wearing it’s new skin back to front or not, or simply doesn’t care, is an entirely fruitless debate. The sight of this creature is wholly horrifying in its grotesque visage.

IV.  The shakes

Flayed snippers.jpg

Deathmarks are deadly assassins of the Necron civilisation, able to drift in and out of reality at a moments will. This ability to ‘phase’ into and out of existence makes them terrifying foes, but it is their weapons, Synaptic Disintigrators, that make them truly horrifying. The projectiles from these weapons, when they hit, and Deathmarks rarely miss, cause extreme trauma to the victims brain matter. If their target survives the initial shot, they are left as dribbling, incoherent wrecks, their minds utterly ravaged. Whilst this in itself is horrifying enough, Deathmarks who are losing their minds to the Flayer virus are invariably worse. They seek to incapacitate their victims by way of partially destroying the brain, rather than an instantaneous and merciful death. Once they have disabled their victims, the Flayed Deathmarks will then close the distance between them and proceed to flay their targets, whilst they are still partially conscious. The severe brain damage normally leaves their victims unable to resist as the Deathmarks peel the skin from their bodies with delicate precision. It is no wonder then, that Flayer Deathmarks are wrapped in the largest, and most intact cloaks of skin of all the Flayed Ones.

V. Headhunters.

Flayed Trio with guns

The minds of the Necrontyr often are affected by the transition from flesh to metal, and Immortals are no exception. Unlike the warriors however, an Immortal still maintains a chilling spark of their mind intact, as well as much of their independence. This makes them more resistant to the insidious effects of the flayer virus, but also tragically self aware of their own descent into depravity. The warriors may revel in the grotesque butchery of their foes, but the Immortals abhor the grisly work, yet find themselves unable to resist the unnatural compulsion to join in.

Flayed blue tak

(Ignore the blue tac) The Immortals, once proud icons of Necron might, are quickly becoming caked in the mire of their less restrained brethren. Some are even beginning to enjoy their newfound freedom.

FLayed trophy

An unusual quirk of the Flayer Virus upon Immortals is the unnatural compulsion to collect the heads of those they have defeated in battle.  This Immortal is no exception, and wears a necklace of skulls around his neck.

V. Those that fell

Flayed trio

Once a Necron is completely insane with the desire to flay and dismember, the necrodermis (the living metal they are constructed from) will change its form to better assist in its grisly work. Fingers become bladed talons, legs alter to become more adept at moving with speed, and their bodies grow elongated and serpentine.

Flayed standing

Necrodermis, whilst able to change its shape, doesn’t change rapidly. In usual circumstances, Necrodermis is usually only required to re-heal damage to their exoskeleton. The Flayed Ones require much more from their Necrodermis, and whilst the metal complies, the process is neither instantaneous, or symmetrical. This Flayed One’s right leg has developed an extra joint to aid it in moving quickly, but it’s left leg has yet to develop, leading to it walking with a pronounced limp.

Flayed crawling

The Flayed Ones are perhaps even more barbaric than their less developed brethren. Their uncontrollable compulsion to pile masses upon masses of flayed flesh upon themselves can lead to the point where they are almost entirely obscured by it, moving as if covered by a heavy shroud.

Flayed crawling but not as cool

Underneath all the stinking, bloody pelts however, there seems to be something more insidious going on. The Necrodermis changes the shape of the Necron into something better at murder, but is it the end of their transformation, or just another step on the road to something truly horrific?

VI. Epilogue

And that’s my Kill Team! I had a blast building and painting them. Especially painting them, which is a first for me. Let me tell you, working with the Nighthaunt Glaive Wraiths, whilst it seemed like a good idea at the time, turned out to be an absolute nightmare. They did however make some very characterful looking Flayed Ones.

Something stirs.

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“Before we returned the remains to the next of kin, I found this image captured in his eye lens, moments before his death. Obviously I withheld it for evidence. Anyone know what I’m looking at here?” – Overheard discussion at Arbite Precinct 882, Hive Mortemus.


I.  Kill Team!

Rule no.1 if your photograph is not up to scratch: chuck a filter on it, and use it to set the mood. So, like much of the internet, I was set abuzz by the reveal of Kill Team, and I instantly knew what I wanted to run. Necrons! I’ve always loved the little metal skeletons, as they were the first ‘new’ army to be released when I started collecting way back when in 2002. I wanted to make my Necrons stand out from the crowd, but it wasn’t until  Warhammer Community revealed all the unit choices for Necrons did I properly get excited. Why, I hear you cry? Flayed ones. Flayed ones, in my mind, are some of the most interesting aspects to the Necrons; created by an insidious space virus/curse from a dead god that infects the unfortunate minds of the necrotyr with the rather uncharacteristic compulsion to flay the skin from the dead,and wear it in a cruel mockery of the flesh they once had before they were interred in their necrodermis. All good stuff. There’s not a lot more to go on other than that, which gave me the opportunity for some real creativity. It seems to me that Necrons, whilst fun, aren’t burdened with a lot of opportunity for individualism or identity, something that is both reflected in their lore (the rank and file warriors are essentially mindless), and in their rules (In both Shadow War and Killteam, they have their set weapons given to them and they couldn’t mix and match). In my mind, giving everyone the Flayer sickness gives me the opportunity to give each  Necron a personality they would otherwise be missing, even if their personality will all be different shades of ‘your face would make a fetching hat’.

My Kill team is going to be a group of Necrons who are either the last survivors of an entire Dynasty, or have simply awoken ‘too early,’ but are slowly succumbing to the Flayer virus and do not want to awaken their brethren for fear of being wiped out.

Whilst I finish off the warband, I couldn’t resist snapping a few photos to show off.


Most of the metal work is done, but I still have weathering the flesh to do for this Flayed One. Because I have predominantly used the Finecast Flayed Ones to make my rank and file Necrons, I felt I needed to ‘one up’ the existing formula. If my Warriors are covered in skin already, I had to make my Flayed Ones stand out. I’ll leave you to try and guess what kit came to the rescue.


Once they are all finished, I’ll show them off with some better pictures, but I just wanted to share them! I am so pleased with how they have turned out. Now if you excuse me, I have a lot of blood and grime to paint.

The first steps

Welcome to a new blog that will detail my exploits into the world of miniature wargaming and photography. Whilst I’m no stranger to posting online about wargaming for years now, I took a significant hiatus from the hobby after becoming disillusioned by the magnificent products of other hobbyists in comparison to my rather meagre offerings. The speed in which people are able to produce dazzling miniatures, and dazzling paintjobs in the same time it took me to basecoat a miniature knocked the wind from my sails, and so I threw my teddy out of the pram and stopped wargaming for several years. I have recently jumped back into the hobby now after growing up  a bit and learning not to directly compare my efforts with others.

Doom and gloom aside, I’m hoping this blog will help capture people’s interests as much as it will motivate me!

The primary focus will be exploring the worlds Games Workshop have crafted; the inquisitor 28mm movement still captures my interest as it did all those years ago, but I have begun to explore their fantasy line, as well as looking into 15mm wargaming too. I find modelling and painting cathartic, and it helps me de-stress after a long day, so there may not be much evidence of gaming with these miniatures, but who knows what the future will hold.

I hope you will stay tuned, there will be more posts coming (hopefully).

“We don’t belong in a wasteland.” – Frank Carter